Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Ordinary is really where we find the most joy"

I can't get enough of this woman, Thought I share with you all.. I love you Brene Brown (:

Do we really stay busy so the truth of our life can't catch up..? Then just for today try something new: Love your life, Practice Gratitude & Honor Ordinary...

Have a magical weekend

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I stopped by Art Academy yesterday, to drop off my son for his Hip-Hop Class, and felt the amazing creative energy that flows there.. Kids & grown ups having fun expressing themselves through art..
I believe we all need creativity in our lives!
Obviously, Creativity means different things to different people, and can be defined in any number of ways.. 
I also do believe that originality is the key to success. Don't wait for the extraordinary to appear before you make a move.. we are all unique, just sometimes we try to be something we are not. Which is really more hard work than just being ourselves.

I'm being creative today by choosing my Shop's Tile and mostly by being positive (: I will post pictures as soon as It's done.. 

Namaste my friends..